25 EYLÜL 2012, Salı
OnPostExecute sonucu elde etmek için nasıl() AsyncTask ayrı bir sınıf olduğu için ana faaliyet için?
Bu iki Dersim var. Benim ana Etkinlik ve AsyncTask uzanan bir, Şimdi benim ana Faaliyeti AsyncTask içinde OnPostExecute sonuç almak istiyorum. Nasıl ya benim asıl Faaliyet sonucu pass alabilir miyim?
Burada örnek kodlar.
Benim ana Etkinlik.
public class MainActivity extends Activity{
AasyncTask asyncTask = new AasyncTask();
public void onCreate(Bundle aBundle) {
//Calling the AsyncTask class to start to execute.
//Creating a TextView.
TextView displayUI = asyncTask.dataDisplay;
displayUI = new TextView(this);
Bu AsyncTask sınıfı
public class AasyncTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> {
TextView dataDisplay; //store the data
String soapAction = "http://sample.com"; //SOAPAction header line.
String targetServer = "https://sampletargeturl.com"; //Target Server.
//SOAP Request.
String soapRequest = "<sample XML request>";
protected String doInBackground(String... string) {
String responseStorage = null; //storage of the response
try {
//Uses URL and HttpURLConnection for server connection.
URL targetURL = new URL(targetServer);
HttpURLConnection httpCon = (HttpURLConnection) targetURL.openConnection();
//properties of SOAPAction header
httpCon.addRequestProperty("SOAPAction", soapAction);
httpCon.addRequestProperty("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
httpCon.addRequestProperty("Content-Length", "" soapRequest.length());
//sending request to the server.
OutputStream outputStream = httpCon.getOutputStream();
Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream);
//getting the response from the server
InputStream inputStream = httpCon.getInputStream();
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
ByteArrayBuffer byteArrayBuffer = new ByteArrayBuffer(50);
int intResponse = httpCon.getResponseCode();
while ((intResponse = bufferedReader.read()) != -1) {
responseStorage = new String(byteArrayBuffer.toByteArray());
} catch (Exception aException) {
responseStorage = aException.getMessage();
return responseStorage;
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
25 EYLÜL 2012, Salı
kolay. interface
Sınıf oluşturun.
public interface AsyncResponse {
void processFinish(String output);
zaman Uyumsuz sınıfında, beyan etmek gerekir (arayüz : AsyncResponse):
public class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask{
public AsyncResponse delegate=null;
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
son adım: 10 ** gerek ana Faaliyet arayüzü önceki AsyncResponse
. oluşturduğunuz
public class MainActivity implements AsyncResponse{
MyAsyncTask asyncTask =new MyAsyncTask();
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
asyncTask.delegate = this;
void processFinish(String output){
//this you will received result fired from async class of onPostExecute(result) method.
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