8 Ocak 2010, Cuma

PowerShell için önerilen kodlama tarzı nedir?

PowerShell komut dosyaları yazmak için nasıl herhangi bir tavsiye kodlama tarzı var mı?değilkod yapısı hakkında (kaç fonksiyonu, modül kullanmak, ...). 'nasıl okunabilir kılmak kod yazmak için'.

Programlama dilleri vardırönerilen kodlama stilleri(negirintinasıl girintilemek için boşluk nereden sekmeler/,yeni hatnereye koymakparantez,...), ama Tanımlar. için herhangi bir öneri görmedim

Ben ilgi değilim özellikle

Nasıl parametreleri yazmak için

function New-XYZItem
  ( [string] $ItemName
  , [scriptblock] $definition
  ) { ...

('V1' sözdizimi)gibi daha fazla olduğunu görüyorum ya

function New-PSClass  {
  param([string] $ClassName
       ,[scriptblock] $definition

ya neden boş öznitelik eklemek için?)

function New-PSClass  {
  param([Parameter()][string] $ClassName
       ,[Parameter()][scriptblock] $definition

ya da (belki Jaykul kodu gördüm diğer biçimlendirme)

function New-PSClass {

ya da ..?

Ne kadar karmaşık boru hattı yazmak için

Get-SomeData -param1 abc -param2 xyz | % {
    $temp1 = $_
    1..100 | % { 
      Process-somehow $temp1 $_
  } | % { 
    Process-Again $_
  } | 
  Sort-Object -desc

ya çalıştırın adı yeni satır)

Get-SomeData -param1 abc -param2 xyz | 
  % {
    $temp1 = $_
    1..100 | 
      % { 
        Process-somehow $temp1 $_
  } | 
  % { 
    Process-Again $_
  } | 
  Sort-Object -desc |

ve eğer varsa orada başlar işlem sonu parametreler neler? nasıl en okunabilir hale getirmek için?

Get-SomeData -param1 abc -param2 xyz | 
  % -begin {
  } -process {
     Process-somehow2 ...
  } -end {
     Process-somehow3 ...
  } |
  % -begin {
  } ....


Get-SomeData -param1 abc -param2 xyz | 
  %  `
    -begin {
    } `
    -process {
      Process-somehow2 ...
    } `
    -end {
      Process-somehow3 ...
    } |
  % -begin {
  } ....

bu indentitation ve eleman yeni satıra da ne olduğu önemli burada.

Sadece aklımda çok sık gelen sorular bitti. Bazıları vardır, ama bu KADAR soru kalmasını istiyorum 'kısa'.

Başka önerileriniz bekliyoruz.

9 Ocak 2010, CUMARTESİ

Birkaç yıl dalış Powershell v2 içine oldukça derin geçirdikten sonra.0, burada yaşadım.

Cmdlet help is awesome.  Autogenerate via template so I never forget.

function Get-Widget
    param (
        # Think about which params users might loop over.  If there is a clear
        # favorite (80/20 rule), make it ValueFromPipeline and name it InputObject.

        # All other loop candidates are marked pipeline-able by property name.  Use Aliases to ensure the most 
        # common objects users want to feed in will "just work".
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]

        # Provide & document defaults for optional params whenever possible.
        [int]$Minimum = 0,

        [int]$ComputerName = "localhost",

        # Stick to standardized parameter names when possible.  *Especially* with switches.  Use Aliases to support 
        # domain-specific terminology and/or when you want to expose the parameter name of the .Net API you're wrapping.

    # The three main function blocks use this format if & only if they are short one-liners    
    begin { $buf = new-list string }

    # Otherwise they use spacing comparable to a C# method
        # Likewise, control flow statements have a special style for one-liners
            # Side Note: internal variables (which may be inherited from a parent scope)  
            # are lowerCamelCase.  Direct parameters are UpperCamelCase.
            if ($All)
                { $flibbles = $Name | Get-Flibble }   
            elseif ($Minimum -eq 0)          
                { $flibbles = @() }
                { return }                       

            $path = $Name |
                ? { $_.Length -gt $Minimum } |
                % { $InputObject.InvokeGetAPI($_, $flibbles) } |
        finally { Cleanup }

        # In general, though, control flow statements also stick to the C# style guidelines
            if ($true)

Pipelines are a form of control flow, of course, and in my opinion the most important.  Let's go 
into more detail.

I find my code looks more consistent when I use the pipeline to nudge all of Powershell's supported 
language constructs (within reason) toward an "infix" style, regardless of their legacy origin.  At the 
same time, I get really strict about avoiding complexity within each line.  My style encourages a long,
consistent "flow" of command-to-command-to-command, so we can ensure ample whitespace while remaining
quite compact for a .Net language. 

Note - from here on out I use aliases for the most common pipeline-aware cmdlets in my stable of 
tools.  Quick extract from my "meta-script" module definition:
sal ?? Invoke-Coalescing
sal ?: Invoke-Ternary
sal im Invoke-Method
sal gpv Get-PropertyValue
sal spv Set-PropertyValue
sal tp Test-Path2
sal so Select-Object2        
sal eo Expand-Object        

% and ? are your familiar friends.
Anything else that begins with a ? is a pseudo-infix operator autogenerated from the Posh syntax reference.
function PipelineExamples
    # Only the very simplest pipes get to be one-liners:
    $profileInfo = dir $profile | so @{Path="fullname"; KBs={$_.length/1kb}}
    $notNull = $someString | ?? ""        
    $type = $InputObject -is [Type] | ?: $InputObject $InputObject.GetType()        
    $ComObject | spv Enabled $true
    $foo | im PrivateAPI($param1, $param2)
    if ($path | tp -Unc)
        { Do-Something }

    # Any time the LHS is a collection (i.e. we're going to loop), the pipe character ends the line, even 
    # when the expression looks simple.
    $verySlowConcat = ""            
    $buf |
        % { $verySlowConcat  = $_ }
    # Always put a comment on pipelines that have uncaptured output [destined for the caller's pipeline]
    $buf |
        ? { $_ -like "*a*" }

    # Multi-line blocks inside a pipeline:
    $orders |
        ? { 
            $_.SaleDate -gt $thisQuarter -and
            ($_ | Get-Customer | Test-Profitable) -and
            $_.TastesGreat -and
        } |
        so Widgets |        
        % {                
            if ($ReviewCompetition)
                $otherFirms |
                    Get-Factory |
                    Get-ManufactureHistory -Filter $_ |
                    so HistoryEntry.Items.Widgets                     
        } |            
        Publish-WidgetReport -Format HTML

    # Mix COM, reflection, native commands, etc seamlessly
    $flibble = Get-WmiObject SomethingReallyOpaque |
        spv AuthFlags 0xf -PassThru |
        im Put() -PassThru |
        gpv Flibbles |
        select -first 1

    # The coalescing operator is particularly well suited to this sort of thing
    $initializeMe = $OptionalParam |
        ?? $MandatoryParam.PropertyThatMightBeNullOrEmpty |
        ?? { pwd | Get-Something -Mode Expensive } |
        ?? { throw "Unable to determine your blahblah" }           
    $uncFolderPath = $someInput |
        Convert-Path -ea 0 |
        ?? $fallback { tp -Unc -Folder }

    # String manipulation        
    $myName = "First{0}   Last{1}   " |
        ?  "Suffix{2}" |
        ?replace "{", ": {" |
        ?f {eo richard berg jr | im ToUpper}            

    # Math algorithms written in this style start to approach the elegance of functional languages
    $weightedAvg = $values |
        Linq-Zip $weights {$args[0] * $args[1]} |
        Linq-Sum |
        ?/ ($weights | Linq-Sum)

# Don't be afraid to define helper functions.  Thanks to the script:Name syntax, you don't have to cram them into 
# the begin{} block or anything like that.  Name, params, etc don't always need to follow the cmdlet guidelines.
# Note that variables from outer scopes are automatically available.  (even if we're in another file!)
function script:Cleanup { $buf.Clear() }

# In these small helpers where the logic is straightforward and the correct behavior well known, I occasionally 
# condense the indentation to something in between the "one liner" and "Microsoft C# guideline" styles
filter script:FixComputerName
    if ($ComputerName -and $_) {            
        # handle UNC paths 
        if ($_[1] -eq "\") {   
            $uncHost = ($_ -split "\\")[2]
            $_.Replace($uncHost, $ComputerName)
        } else {
            $drive = $_[0]
            $pathUnderDrive = $_.Remove(0,3)            
    } else {

Oops, ben beklenenden daha uzun. Umarım cevaplar orada bi yerde istedin :)

edit - StackOverflow sözdizimi vurgulayıcı beni tamamen ele veriyor. İMKB yapıştırın.

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