24 Kasım 2008, PAZARTESİ

Visual Studio: kısayollar satırı Yukarı/Aşağı kaydır ve son değişiklikler arasında gezin

Visual Studio Eclipse taşınıyorum .NET ve ikisi hariç tüm sevgili kısayollar bulduk:

  • Eclipse basınALT-birer rakamveALT-seçeneklerini belirleyinyaptığınız son değişiklikleri ziyaret etmek, bir şey ben sık sık başka bir dosyada olduğum yerde dönüp, geri dönmek için. Görünüşe göre vs.netCTRL--veCTRL-SHİFT--bunu ama yapmıyorlar görünmek her zaman işe (örneğin bir dizüstü bilgisayar olabilir numkey konu ile eksi sakın takip edecek görünüyor aynı algoritma "nerede kalmıştım" ben eskiden içinde Tutulması. Herkes bu işe ve günlük, vb güvenmek oldu.?
  • Eclipse, seni aşağı bir satır yukarı veya taşımak içinALT-YUKARI OKyaALT-downarrowve sadece onu istediğiniz yere, çok güzel elde edene kadar kod içinde hareket. Ayrıca bir satırın bir kopyasını yapmak için, tuşuna basabilirsinizSHİFT-ALT-YUKARI OKyaSHİFT-ALT-downarrow. Bu kısayollar her iki hatta seçtiğiniz çizgileri engellemek için çalışır.

Herkes için Visual Studio bu kısayol özellikleri keşfetti .NET?


İkinci unsur, yukarıda açıklanan kullandığınız bir örnek alt satır döngü içine yukarı taşımak için. Eclipse, Konsolda imleci koyabilirsiniz.WriteLine ve sonra ALT(YUKARI OK), bu her zaman kullanırım basın: satır yukarı ve aşağı hareket için bir tuş.

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i  ) {


Tamam, seçimi ctrl-c seç bir satır ile Charlie'nin fikir götürdüğümüzde, Visual Studio'da Konsol üzerinde imleci koymak olabilir.(Seçim) WriteLine basınCTRL-Xve sonra da yukarı taşımak ve basınCTRL-V.


Cevapları önerilen iş, ama hiçbiri kadar iyi tutulması ile ilgili olarak nasıl onlar korumak mevcut yapıştır tampon, seçili karakterler, kullanıcı izni çalışması üzerine bir dizi çizgiler. Burada yapıştır tampon, geçerli karakter seçimi koruyan, ve ya bir seçim olabilir ya da birden fazla satıra yayılmış olabilir () ile çalışır: aklıma gelen bir çözüm

'' Duplicates the current line (or selection of lines) and places the copy
'' one line below or above the current cursor position (based upon the parameter)
Sub CopyLine(ByVal movingDown As Boolean)
    Dim objSel As TextSelection = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection

    ' store the original selection and cursor position
    Dim topPoint As TextPoint = objSel.TopPoint
    Dim bottomPoint As TextPoint = objSel.BottomPoint
    Dim lTopLine As Long = topPoint.Line
    Dim lTopColumn As Long = topPoint.LineCharOffset
    Dim lBottomLine As Long = bottomPoint.Line
    Dim lBottomColumn As Long = bottomPoint.LineCharOffset()

    ' copy each line from the top line to the bottom line
    Dim readLine As Long = lTopLine
    Dim endLine As Long = lBottomLine   1
    Dim selectionPresent As Boolean = ((lTopLine <> lBottomLine) Or (lTopColumn <> lBottomColumn))
    If (selectionPresent And (lBottomColumn = 1)) Then
        ' A selection is present, but the cursor is in front of the first character
        ' on the bottom line. exclude that bottom line from the copy selection.
        endLine = lBottomLine
    End If

    ' figure out how many lines we are copying, so we can re-position
    ' our selection after the copy is done
    Dim verticalOffset As Integer = 0
    If (movingDown) Then
        verticalOffset = endLine - lTopLine
    End If

    ' copy each line, one at a time.
    ' The Insert command doesn't handle multiple lines well, and we need
    ' to use Insert to avoid autocompletions
    Dim insertLine As Long = endLine
    While (readLine < endLine)
        ' move to read postion, and read the current line
        objSel.MoveToLineAndOffset(readLine, 1)
        objSel.EndOfLine(True) 'extend to EOL
        Dim lineTxt As String = objSel.Text.Clone
        ' move to the destination position, and insert the copy
        objSel.MoveToLineAndOffset(insertLine, 1)
        ' adjust the read & insertion points
        readLine = readLine   1
        insertLine = insertLine   1
    End While

    ' restore the cursor to original position and selection
    objSel.MoveToLineAndOffset(lBottomLine   verticalOffset, lBottomColumn)
    objSel.MoveToLineAndOffset(lTopLine   verticalOffset, lTopColumn, True)
End Sub

'' Duplicates the current line (or selection of lines) and places the copy
'' one line below the current cursor position
Sub CopyLineDown()
End Sub

'' Duplicates the current line (or selection of lines) and places the copy
'' one line above the current cursor position
Sub CopyLineUp()
End Sub

'' Moves the selected lines up one line. If no line is
'' selected, the current line is moved.
Sub MoveLineUp()
    Dim objSel As TextSelection = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection
    ' store the original selection and cursor position
    Dim topPoint As TextPoint = objSel.TopPoint
    Dim bottomPoint As TextPoint = objSel.BottomPoint
    Dim lTopLine As Long = topPoint.Line
    Dim lTopColumn As Long = topPoint.LineCharOffset
    Dim lBottomLine As Long = bottomPoint.Line
    Dim lBottomColumn As Long = bottomPoint.LineCharOffset()

    Dim textLineAbove As TextSelection = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection
    textLineAbove.MoveToLineAndOffset(lTopLine - 1, 1, False)
    textLineAbove.MoveToLineAndOffset(lTopLine, 1, True)
    Dim indentChange As Integer = CountIndentations(textLineAbove.Text) * -1

    ' If multiple lines are selected, but the bottom line doesn't
    ' have any characters selected, don't count it as selected
    Dim lEffectiveBottomLine = lBottomLine
    If ((lBottomColumn = 1) And (lBottomLine <> lTopLine)) Then
        lEffectiveBottomLine = lBottomLine - 1
    End If

    ' move to the line above the top line
    objSel.MoveToLineAndOffset(lTopLine - 1, 1)
    ' and move it down, until its below the bottom line:
    Loop Until (objSel.BottomPoint.Line >= lEffectiveBottomLine)
    ' Since the line we are on has moved up, our location in the file has changed:
    lTopLine = lTopLine - 1
    lBottomLine = lBottomLine - 1

    IndentBlockAndRestoreSelection(objSel, lBottomLine, lBottomColumn, lTopLine, lTopColumn, indentChange)

End Sub

'' Moves the selected lines down one line. If no line is
'' selected, the current line is moved.
Sub MoveLineDown()
    Dim objSel As TextSelection = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection
    ' store the original selection and cursor position
    Dim topPoint As TextPoint = objSel.TopPoint
    Dim bottomPoint As TextPoint = objSel.BottomPoint
    Dim lTopLine As Long = topPoint.Line
    Dim lTopColumn As Long = topPoint.LineCharOffset
    Dim lBottomLine As Long = bottomPoint.Line
    Dim lBottomColumn As Long = bottomPoint.LineCharOffset()

    ' If multiple lines are selected, but the bottom line doesn't
    ' have any characters selected, don't count it as selected
    Dim lEffectiveBottomLine = lBottomLine
    If ((lBottomColumn = 1) And (lBottomLine <> lTopLine)) Then
        lEffectiveBottomLine = lBottomLine - 1
    End If

    Dim textLineBelow As TextSelection = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection
    textLineBelow.MoveToLineAndOffset(lEffectiveBottomLine   1, 1, False)
    textLineBelow.MoveToLineAndOffset(lEffectiveBottomLine   2, 1, True)
    Dim indentChange As Integer = CountIndentations(textLineBelow.Text)

    ' move to the bottom line
    objSel.MoveToLineAndOffset(lEffectiveBottomLine, 1)
    ' and move it down, which effectively moves the line below it up
    ' then move the cursor up, always staying one line above the line
    ' that is moving up, and keep moving it up until its above the top line:
    Dim lineCount As Long = lEffectiveBottomLine - lTopLine
        objSel.LineUp(False, 2)
        lineCount = lineCount - 1
    Loop Until (lineCount < 0)
    ' Since the line we are on has moved down, our location in the file has changed:
    lTopLine = lTopLine   1
    lBottomLine = lBottomLine   1

    IndentBlockAndRestoreSelection(objSel, lBottomLine, lBottomColumn, lTopLine, lTopColumn, indentChange)

End Sub

'' This method takes care of indenting the selected text by the indentChange parameter
'' It then restores the selection to the lTopLine:lTopColumn - lBottomLine:lBottomColumn parameter.
'' It will adjust these values according to the indentChange performed
Sub IndentBlockAndRestoreSelection(ByVal objSel As TextSelection, ByVal lBottomLine As Long, ByVal lBottomColumn As Long, ByVal lTopLine As Long, ByVal lTopColumn As Long, ByVal indentChange As Integer)
    ' restore the cursor to original position and selection
    objSel.MoveToLineAndOffset(lBottomLine, lBottomColumn)
    objSel.MoveToLineAndOffset(lTopLine, lTopColumn, True)
    If (indentChange = 0) Then
        ' If we don't change the indent, we are done
    End If

    If (lBottomLine = lTopLine) Then
        If (indentChange > 0) Then
        End If
    End If

    ' Since the selected text has changed column, adjust the columns accordingly:
    ' restore the cursor to original position and selection
    Dim lNewBottomColumn As Long = (lBottomColumn   indentChange)
    Dim lNewTopColumn As Long = (lTopColumn   indentChange)
    ' ensure that we we still on the page.
    ' The "or" clause makes it so if we were at the left edge of the line, we remain on the left edge.
    If ((lNewBottomColumn < 2) Or (lBottomColumn = 1)) Then
        ' Single line selections, or a bottomColumn that is already at 1 may still have a new BottomColumn of 1
        If ((lTopLine = lBottomLine) Or (lBottomColumn = 1)) Then
            lNewBottomColumn = 1
            ' If we have multiple lines selected, don't allow the bottom edge to touch the left column,
            ' or the next move will ignore that bottom line.
            lNewBottomColumn = 2
        End If
    End If
    If ((lNewTopColumn < 2) Or (lTopColumn = 1)) Then
        lNewTopColumn = 1
    End If

    ' restore the selection to the modified selection
    objSel.MoveToLineAndOffset(lBottomLine, lNewBottomColumn)
    objSel.MoveToLineAndOffset(lTopLine, lNewTopColumn, True)
End Sub

'' This method counts the indentation changes within the text provided as the paramter
Function CountIndentations(ByVal text As String) As Integer
    Dim indent As Integer = 0
    While (Text.Length > 0)
        If (Text.StartsWith("//")) Then
            Dim endOfLine As Integer = Text.IndexOf("\n", 2)
            If (Equals(endOfLine, -1)) Then
                ' The remaining text is all on one line, so the '//' terminates our search
                ' Ignore the rest of the text
                Exit While
            End If
            ' continue looking after the end of line
            Text = Text.Substring(endOfLine   1)
        End If

        If (Text.StartsWith("/*")) Then
            Dim endComment As Integer = Text.IndexOf("*/", 2)
            If (Equals(endComment, -1)) Then
                ' This comment continues beyond the length of this line.
                ' Ignore the rest of the text
                Exit While
            End If
            ' continue looking after the end of this comment block
            Text = Text.Substring(endComment   1)
        End If

        If (Text.StartsWith("{")) Then
            indent = indent   1
            If (Text.StartsWith("}")) Then
                indent = indent - 1
            End If
        End If
        Text = Text.Substring(1)
    End While
    Return indent
End Function

Bu post MoveLineUp başında UndoContext mekanizması (Nicolas Dorier tarafından önerilen) eklemek için düzenledim() ve MoveLineDown() yöntemleri ve bunların sonunda kapanıyor. 11/23/11 - bu tekrar taşındı satırları ayraç sınırları geçerken kendilerini girinti sağlamak için güncelledim

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