7 Mayıs 2011, CUMARTESİ

Nasıl photoshop iki görüntü birbirine karışır mı?

Benim uygulamada aynı etkileri çoğaltmak olabilir, böylece birisi nasıl Photoshop karışımları açıklayınız iki görüntü bir arada.

8 Mayıs 2011, Pazar

Görüntüdeki ilgili piksel görüntü karşı birlikte her bir piksel üzerinde işlem karışım yaparak Photoshop karışımları iki görüntü Her piksel bir renk birden fazla kanal oluşan dayanır. RGB piksel ile çalışıyoruz varsayarsak, her piksel kanalları kırmızı, yeşil ve mavi olurdu. İki piksel kaynaşmamız kendi kanalı karıştırmak.

Her Photoshop blend mode için oluşan karışım işlemi aşağıdaki makroları şöyle özetlenebilir:

#define ChannelBlend_Normal(A,B)     ((uint8)(A))
#define ChannelBlend_Lighten(A,B)    ((uint8)((B > A) ? B:A))
#define ChannelBlend_Darken(A,B)     ((uint8)((B > A) ? A:B))
#define ChannelBlend_Multiply(A,B)   ((uint8)((A * B) / 255))
#define ChannelBlend_Average(A,B)    ((uint8)((A   B) / 2))
#define ChannelBlend_Add(A,B)        ((uint8)(min(255, (A   B))))
#define ChannelBlend_Subtract(A,B)   ((uint8)((A   B < 255) ? 0:(A   B - 255)))
#define ChannelBlend_Difference(A,B) ((uint8)(abs(A - B)))
#define ChannelBlend_Negation(A,B)   ((uint8)(255 - abs(255 - A - B)))
#define ChannelBlend_Screen(A,B)     ((uint8)(255 - (((255 - A) * (255 - B)) >> 8)))
#define ChannelBlend_Exclusion(A,B)  ((uint8)(A   B - 2 * A * B / 255))
#define ChannelBlend_Overlay(A,B)    ((uint8)((B < 128) ? (2 * A * B / 255):(255 - 2 * (255 - A) * (255 - B) / 255)))
#define ChannelBlend_SoftLight(A,B)  ((uint8)((B < 128)?(2*((A>>1) 64))*((float)B/255):(255-(2*(255-((A>>1) 64))*(float)(255-B)/255))))
#define ChannelBlend_HardLight(A,B)  (ChannelBlend_Overlay(B,A))
#define ChannelBlend_ColorDodge(A,B) ((uint8)((B == 255) ? B:min(255, ((A << 8 ) / (255 - B)))))
#define ChannelBlend_ColorBurn(A,B)  ((uint8)((B == 0) ? B:max(0, (255 - ((255 - A) << 8 ) / B))))
#define ChannelBlend_LinearDodge(A,B)(ChannelBlend_Add(A,B))
#define ChannelBlend_LinearBurn(A,B) (ChannelBlend_Subtract(A,B))
#define ChannelBlend_LinearLight(A,B)((uint8)(B < 128)?ChannelBlend_LinearBurn(A,(2 * B)):ChannelBlend_LinearDodge(A,(2 * (B - 128))))
#define ChannelBlend_VividLight(A,B) ((uint8)(B < 128)?ChannelBlend_ColorBurn(A,(2 * B)):ChannelBlend_ColorDodge(A,(2 * (B - 128))))
#define ChannelBlend_PinLight(A,B)   ((uint8)(B < 128)?ChannelBlend_Darken(A,(2 * B)):ChannelBlend_Lighten(A,(2 * (B - 128))))
#define ChannelBlend_HardMix(A,B)    ((uint8)((ChannelBlend_VividLight(A,B) < 128) ? 0:255))
#define ChannelBlend_Reflect(A,B)    ((uint8)((B == 255) ? B:min(255, (A * A / (255 - B)))))
#define ChannelBlend_Glow(A,B)       (ChannelBlend_Reflect(B,A))
#define ChannelBlend_Phoenix(A,B)    ((uint8)(min(A,B) - max(A,B)   255))
#define ChannelBlend_Alpha(A,B,O)    ((uint8)(O * A   (1 - O) * B))
#define ChannelBlend_AlphaF(A,B,F,O) (ChannelBlend_Alpha(F(A,B),A,O))

Tek bir RGB karıştırmak için aşağıdakileri piksel:

ImageTColorR = ChannelBlend_Glow(ImageAColorR, ImageBColorR); 
ImageTColorB = ChannelBlend_Glow(ImageAColorB, ImageBColorB);
ImageTColorG = ChannelBlend_Glow(ImageAColorG, ImageBColorG);

ImageTColor = RGB(ImageTColorR, ImageTColorB, ImageTColorG);

Eğer belirli bir opaklık ile karışım işlemi gerçekleştirmek istersek, 50% de ki:

ImageTColorR = ChannelBlend_AlphaF(ImageAColorR, ImageBColorR, Blend_Subtract, 0.5F);

Eğer görüntü veriler A, B, ve T (hedefimiz) işaretçiler varsa, her üç kanal da bu makro kullanarak karıştırma basitleştirmek:

#define ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,M)      (T)[0] = ChannelBlend_##M((A)[0], (B)[0]),
                                        (T)[1] = ChannelBlend_##M((A)[1], (B)[1]),
                                        (T)[2] = ChannelBlend_##M((A)[2], (B)[2])

Ve aşağıdaki RGB renk karışımı elde makrolar

#define ColorBlend_Normal(T,A,B)        (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Normal))
#define ColorBlend_Lighten(T,A,B)       (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Lighten))
#define ColorBlend_Darken(T,A,B)        (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Darken))
#define ColorBlend_Multiply(T,A,B)      (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Multiply))
#define ColorBlend_Average(T,A,B)       (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Average))
#define ColorBlend_Add(T,A,B)           (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Add))
#define ColorBlend_Subtract(T,A,B)      (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Subtract))
#define ColorBlend_Difference(T,A,B)    (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Difference))
#define ColorBlend_Negation(T,A,B)      (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Negation))
#define ColorBlend_Screen(T,A,B)        (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Screen))
#define ColorBlend_Exclusion(T,A,B)     (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Exclusion))
#define ColorBlend_Overlay(T,A,B)       (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Overlay))
#define ColorBlend_SoftLight(T,A,B)     (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,SoftLight))
#define ColorBlend_HardLight(T,A,B)     (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,HardLight))
#define ColorBlend_ColorDodge(T,A,B)    (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,ColorDodge))
#define ColorBlend_ColorBurn(T,A,B)     (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,ColorBurn))
#define ColorBlend_LinearDodge(T,A,B)   (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,LinearDodge))
#define ColorBlend_LinearBurn(T,A,B)    (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,LinearBurn))
#define ColorBlend_LinearLight(T,A,B)   (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,LinearLight))
#define ColorBlend_VividLight(T,A,B)    (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,VividLight))
#define ColorBlend_PinLight(T,A,B)      (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,PinLight))
#define ColorBlend_HardMix(T,A,B)       (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,HardMix))
#define ColorBlend_Reflect(T,A,B)       (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Reflect))
#define ColorBlend_Glow(T,A,B)          (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Glow))
#define ColorBlend_Phoenix(T,A,B)       (ColorBlend_Buffer(T,A,B,Phoenix))

Ve örnek olacaktır:

ColorBlend_Glow(TargetPtr, ImageAPtr, ImageBPtr);

Photoshop kalan modları HLS RGB dönüştürme içeren karışım ve tekrar geri.

#define ColorBlend_Hue(T,A,B)            ColorBlend_Hls(T,A,B,HueB,LuminationA,SaturationA)
#define ColorBlend_Saturation(T,A,B)     ColorBlend_Hls(T,A,B,HueA,LuminationA,SaturationB)
#define ColorBlend_Color(T,A,B)          ColorBlend_Hls(T,A,B,HueB,LuminationA,SaturationB)
#define ColorBlend_Luminosity(T,A,B)     ColorBlend_Hls(T,A,B,HueA,LuminationB,SaturationA)

#define ColorBlend_Hls(T,A,B,O1,O2,O3) {
    float64 HueA, LuminationA, SaturationA;
    float64 HueB, LuminationB, SaturationL;
    Color_RgbToHls((A)[2],(A)[1],(A)[0], &HueA, &LuminationA, &SaturationA);
    Color_RgbToHls((B)[2],(B)[1],(B)[0], &HueB, &LuminationB, &SaturationB);

Bu fonksiyonlar ONUN için RGB dönüştürme yardımcı olacaktır.

int32 Color_HueToRgb(float64 M1, float64 M2, float64 Hue, float64 *Channel)
    if (Hue < 0.0)
        Hue  = 1.0;
    else if (Hue > 1.0)
        Hue -= 1.0;

    if ((6.0 * Hue) < 1.0)
        *Channel = (M1   (M2 - M1) * Hue * 6.0);
    else if ((2.0 * Hue) < 1.0)
        *Channel = (M2);
    else if ((3.0 * Hue) < 2.0)
        *Channel = (M1   (M2 - M1) * ((2.0F / 3.0F) - Hue) * 6.0);
        *Channel = (M1);

    return TRUE;

int32 Color_RgbToHls(uint8 Red, uint8 Green, uint8 Blue, float64 *Hue, float64 *Lumination, float64 *Saturation)
    float64 Delta;
    float64 Max, Min;
    float64 Redf, Greenf, Bluef;

    Redf    = ((float64)Red   / 255.0F);
    Greenf  = ((float64)Green / 255.0F);
    Bluef   = ((float64)Blue  / 255.0F); 

    Max     = max(max(Redf, Greenf), Bluef);
    Min     = min(min(Redf, Greenf), Bluef);

    *Hue        = 0;
    *Lumination = (Max   Min) / 2.0F;
    *Saturation = 0;

    if (Max == Min)
        return TRUE;

    Delta = (Max - Min);

    if (*Lumination < 0.5)
        *Saturation = Delta / (Max   Min);
        *Saturation = Delta / (2.0 - Max - Min);

    if (Redf == Max)
        *Hue = (Greenf - Bluef) / Delta;
    else if (Greenf == Max)
        *Hue = 2.0   (Bluef - Redf) / Delta;
        *Hue = 4.0   (Redf - Greenf) / Delta;

    *Hue /= 6.0; 

    if (*Hue < 0.0)
        *Hue  = 1.0;       

    return TRUE;

int32 Color_HlsToRgb(float64 Hue, float64 Lumination, float64 Saturation, uint8 *Red, uint8 *Green, uint8 *Blue)
    float64 M1, M2;
    float64 Redf, Greenf, Bluef;

    if (Saturation == 0)
        Redf    = Lumination;
        Greenf  = Lumination;
        Bluef   = Lumination;
        if (Lumination <= 0.5)
            M2 = Lumination * (1.0   Saturation);
            M2 = Lumination   Saturation - Lumination * Saturation;

        M1 = (2.0 * Lumination - M2);

        Color_HueToRgb(M1, M2, Hue   (1.0F / 3.0F), &Redf);
        Color_HueToRgb(M1, M2, Hue, &Greenf);
        Color_HueToRgb(M1, M2, Hue - (1.0F / 3.0F), &Bluef);

    *Red    = (uint8)(Redf * 255);
    *Blue   = (uint8)(Bluef * 255);
    *Green  = (uint8)(Greenf * 255);

    return TRUE;

Bu konu üzerinde daha fazla kaynak, esas vardır:

  1. PegTop blend modes
  2. Forensic Photoshop
  3. Insight into Photoshop 7.0 Blend Modes
  4. SF - Basics - Blending Modes
  5. finish the blend modes
  6. Romz blog
  7. ReactOS RGB-HLS conversion functions

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